Friday, April 13, 2007

Fred Thompson, Man Alone

Authenticity. Some dont have it - but Fred has it aplenty as shown in actions that speak volumes. All the other candidates have an entourage - their sycophants, advisers, their people who play "Bundini Brown" hanger-on to the "Muhammad Ali" of the candidate. But not Fred Thompson. He came in alone. No wonks or advisers needed. This is very impressive and indicative of the character and strength Fred Thompson will bring to the Presidency.

One final footnote on Fred Thompson. It's a little thing, but it struck me and my executive producer Gary Schreier as we greeted him this week: He came alone.

Alone — no handlers, no enablers, no key people, no any people.

Just Fred, by himself.

Nope. No briefcase guy. Or cell phone dude. No policy wonk or statement checker. No people at all.

[The Rest of the Story]

And Gary and I are thinking, hey this guy is tracking sometimes second in GOP polls for president.

For president! Of the United States!!

And we're looking for his entourage, his hangers-on, you know, the guy who holds his briefcase.

Another, his cell phone, still another his coat.

Someone who polices his words, advises him on statements to the press.

Nope. No briefcase guy. Or cell phone dude. No policy wonk or statement checker.

No people at all.

Get this: I had more people than he had people.

Which tells you something about Fred, I guess: The image things that seem to matter to others don't much matter to Fred.

Surely, I'm thinking to myself, this will all change if he runs for president. Even the loserest of candidates has loser lemmings. Lots of them!

But I wonder: Maybe Fred would be the guy who puts less stock in handlers and more in himself.

He'd be different, that's for sure. His people weren't saying that — Fred was. Before he shook my hand after our interview and walked out of this building... alone.

Courtesy of Neal Cavuto, Fox News

This is what is winning Fred so many people across the spectrum - what you see is what you get, and he does not need advisory boards to tell him what his opinion is. Authenticity, genuineness, strong core beliefs. And its something that no amount of campaign moneycan buy.

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