Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I got emails about McCain

For some reason the MSM has spread the idea that Fred's supporters will go over to McCain, quickly and easily. (bumped from 1/20)


I think I can speak for a lot of "Fredheads" in saying that we would never vote for Huckabee or Guiliani. Period. Huckbee is a liar and an opportunist shill - and rapidly becoming McCains lap dog. Guiliani is a liberal on far too many issues out of the race. McCain is severely defective in many ways that are extremely important.

That leaves Romney as the "hold your nose" alternative for Thompson backers. And even that may be asking too much. I am close to sitting things out, and leaving the Republican Party since they cannot get conservative values across this time. They've had my time and money and wasted it here in Colorado on Country Club non-conservative losers like Beaurprez and Coors and O'Donnell (7th CD).

Speaking of Colorado candidates, in hindsight, Bill Owens is probably the worst disaster to hit the Republican party in Colorado - he destroyed it by letting it rot, and drifting away from conservative roots into rootless moderatism. On personal matters, witness his divorce, in contra to his Catholic faith (some allege he messed around). But more importnatly, Owens failed to lead the party, failed to develop candidates at the lower levels who we will need at the higher levels, failed to campaign and help the local and congressional Republicans from the state's "Bully Pulpit". He seemed more concerned with staying popular than he did in keepign the GOP viable in Colorado. Owens sat with his thumb up his butt and did nothing to help the party in 2006. In my opinion, Owens is two faced and deserves every bit of criticism that is heaped onto him.

OK, enough of Colorado politics. Back to the issue at hand that I got several emails on:


If he is the nominee, and still has the stands he does now, then I will not vote for him. I will either sit it out and only vote the Senate race, or go third party. I will not give my assent to a man I beleive would be just as bad for the nation as would be Clinton or Obama.

The ONLY way I would go to mcCain is if Fred drop completely out Fred's out, and Romney failes to convince me that his flip flops are genuine conversions ... remains to be seen but looking more genuine as of late. And even then McCain must do the following:

  1. Offers assurances about illegal immigration - he must build the fence, quickly, and support Attrition Through Enforcement. It works - look at Oklahoma and other states that are using "ATE". And the jobs they leave are being filled by otherwise unemployed citizens, whcih is good going into a recession that will have us shedding jobs.

  2. He must support making some form of the Bush tax cuts permanent, otherwise when they expire we will have the largest tax increase in the history of the nation, and it will hurt the middle class the worst. Sure to knock us into a deep recession, and hurt us in terms of global competitiveness.

  3. He must do as Thompson did and admit that McCain-Feingold was a mistake, and seek its repeal - allow any and all contributions, but they must be attributed clearly to individuals, and must be reported within 24 hours as a matter of public record, and available on the Internet for repoerters and everyone else to search out. If our candidates are going to be bought and sold, let us know who is doing the buying, and who is selling out.

  4. He must stop buying the collectivist bilge that the anthropogenic global warming people are selling. Antrhopogenic global warming is NOT a scientific fact- its a theory that scoming ever more into question as to its validity. Especially in light of correlation versus causation, and things like solar cycles, the latter which are now indicating an impending cooling period.

  5. He must declare that he will work for energy independence, and that means Nuclear Power, as well as lots of alternative energy sources, and go for CLEAN drilling where we have reserves, including ANWR and the coasts of FL and CA. We have the tech to do that cleanly, lets use it.

  6. He must go hat in hand and take his lumps from Conservative media and get their support - people like National Review, Hannity, and yes, the grand poobah, Rush Limbaugh. If a Republican cannot get those guys behind him, he will not carry conservatives, and will lose in the general election.

  7. He must take a solid conservative as VP. Probably not Thompson, but someone who will generate buzz and counterweight him, a solid conservative and campaigner like RNC chair Michael Steele of MD (or J.C. Watts of Oklahoma).

If McCain jumps through those hoops, then he becomes acceptable to me and most other conservatives.

I see the chances as slim and none.


Virginian for Bob McDonnell said...

I hear you on McCain and on hold waiting to hear from Fred, but after being in SC, I would place Huckabee as the one I would not vote for. He push polled Fred and while he may seem nice, his supporters turned quite nasty and I would think long and hard before FredHeads support the Huckster. Not a fan of Mittens either because he is so fake, but we will have to see as FDT decides what he will do. I believe Fred is the only conservative in the race who can bring together the Reagan Coalition of economic and social conservatives.

BirdsAreWild said...

I would like to ask you to review the policies of Ron Paul. When I did my research of the candidates I ended up choosing Ron Paul but Fred Thompson was my next choice if the media pushed Ron out. They both have very conservitive values. I think that Ron Paul is a bit stronger on the stand that we should follow the constitution though. But otherwise I think that you will find they did have a lot of the same values that you want in a leader for our country. I know you could not possibly support McCain as he is a war monger and Romney would just be more of what we already have. Huckabee is a hypocrit who will have to drop out due to funds and Guiliani, well we all know how he is.

Robyn Hamlin

BirdsAreWild said...

I would like to ask you to review the policies of Ron Paul. When I did my research of the candidates I ended up choosing Ron Paul but Fred Thompson was my next choice if the media pushed Ron out. They both have very conservitive values. I think that Ron Paul is a bit stronger on the stand that we should follow the constitution though. But otherwise I think that you will find they did have a lot of the same values that you want in a leader for our country. I know you could not possibly support McCain as he is a war monger and Romney would just be more of what we already have. Huckabee is a hypocrit who will have to drop out due to funds and Guiliani, well we all know how he is.

Robyn Hamlin

Ordinary Coloradan said...

Robyn, Ron Paul is an ignorant isolationaist nutbag who is backed by bigots, nazis, antisemites and other racist vermin.

Get bent. Your candidate already is.

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