Monday, April 16, 2007

Cal Thomas: Run Fred Run!

Well said Cal!

He has Ronald Reagan’s communication skills and speaks plainly in ways most people can understand. Anyone who has listened to him substitute for Paul Harvey on ABC News Radio senses that, in this, he follows in Reagan’s footsteps. Radio is an intimate medium. People who are able to connect with a radio audience often can connect on TV and in person. Thompson, the actor, plays other people. On radio and in news interviews, he “plays” himself.

Thompson conveys Middle American, common sense values. When he is asked a question, he doesn’t sound as if he’s giving a poll-tested pabulum answer. Agree or not, his statements spring from conviction.

[The Rest of the Story]

There’s something else to like about Fred Thompson. He doesn’t appear to be lusting after the job as if he needs it for his self-image. This, too, is much like Reagan, who knew who he was before becoming president and was the same after he left office.

It is said of Thompson that he has always “answered the call” of his country, whether it was serving as minority counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, or in other capacities, including United States senator.

Courtesy of Cal Thomas at Human Events Magazine

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